Ombudsman Overview

​Greg Winter
In the last decades, we have seen numerous examples of profound failures in Christian leadership come to light. As such, it is clear that churches now need to be vigilant in building systems of accountability and authenticity for their volunteers and pastoral staff. At Horizon we desire for our pastors, staff, and volunteers to be above reproach and never even give an appearance of evil. Therefore, pastors, staff and volunteers are extensively trained annually on what is appropriate as they pastor and lead our church.
However, we know that we have to go further. And so, we have created the position of Ombudsman at Horizon. The Ombudsman will be a former or current board member who is not part of the pastoral staff who can function as an outside source of wisdom, accountability and discernment.
If you ever have a concern about a volunteer or staff member, you can fill out the form below, which will be sent to the both the Ombudsman and a member of the pastoral staff who will be tasked with following up with this concern as appropriate. The Ombudsman in this case will ensure the staff member engages the concern appropriately.
If, however, your concern is with a member of the pastoral staff and you are not comfortable with bringing it to another staff member, you will be able to notify the ombudsman with a formal concern through the link below.
The Ombudsman will receive these concerns and will then complete a formal inquiry, enlisting the board of elders and/or outside sources. The board then can choose the course of action that most thoroughly addresses the initiated concern.