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  • Writer's pictureBrad Swope

All-Church Update: Wednesday, March 18, 2020

To our Horizon family,

In these days of tumult and confusion, we remain confident in the goodness of God and his ability to meet our needs in any and every situation.

As we continue to closely and prayerfully monitor the COVID-19 situation and the new guidelines given out by both the CDC and the White House, we met this week as a staff and a board and now want to give you the following update:

As of today, we will be postponing all “in person” church programming until the end of the month in order to comply with state and county guidelines.

However, we feel like it is vitally important that we stay connected to God, our faith and to each other.

To this end, we are going to launch these new ways of staying connecting:

  1. We will be streaming our worship services beginning this Sunday at a NEW time from 10 to 11 a.m. with a pared-down team of people who will lead us through our worship service.

  2. Following the service, we will be inviting people into a ZOOM video conference from 11-12 we have a discussion of the sermon, ask questions and talk about applying what we have heard. The link/phone number to join us on this call will be provided by Friday of this week. Stay tuned.

  3. Then, on Sunday from noon to 2 p.m. the church will be available for people to come to pray, receive the sacraments and/or be anointed for healing.

  4. We have people willing and able to help those who are not set up to stream in their homes set up that technology. We only need you to let us know and we set up a time to help you.

We also want to begin to create space for you daily to connect:

  1. Beginning Friday, we will stream a noonday reflection worship service each weekday from 12 to 12:30.

  2. The church will also be open from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. for people to come to the sanctuary to pray, reflect, light a candle or meet with a pastor.

Other ideas we are pursuing:

  • We are planning to use applications like ZOOM in order to have small groups meet over video. If you are a small group leader, Jill will be reaching out to resource you as to how to do this

  • Our youth and children’s ministries are creating resources for our kids and families to be used in the home to help foster worship and reflection during this time.

  • We are beginning a discussion about building spiritual formation/catechism classes online for reflection and study.

We also want to be ready to serve our community if and when the need arises.

If you would like a pastoral visit, please let us know OR If you are quarantined and have a need that we can help meet, like grocery shopping or running an errand, please let us know.

We also want to know how we can meet needs in the greater community. With the people you are connected with, what are their needs? How can we speak to their fears?

We encourage you to be faithful in your giving, as you are able so that our church can continue to provide services for our people. You can give online or text 84321 in order to make giving easier.

Please be watching for more email and/or video updates in the days to come.

Grace & Peace,

- Brad

2 Thessalonians 2:16 - May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.


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