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Youth ministry at Horizon is for 5th-12th grade students. Sunday nights are built on relationships, prayer, the Word, and a ton of fun! An average youth night will be full of laughter, games, prayer, and discussion. We love to celebrate the wonderful things that are happening in each others lives as well as stand by each other as we go through life's valleys. Students are lead by our youth ministry team of background checked volunteers and staff who love the Lord and who care deeply for our students.
We hope to see you soon!

5TH - 8TH
Sunday Nights 6:30-8:00 PM
In the Youth Room

9TH - 12TH
Sundays at 9:00 AM (Bi-Weekly)
In the Upper Room
Our Mission:
In partnership with families, our mission is to engage 5th-12th grade students in faith formation through knowing the love and goodness of God, experiencing belonging to Christ, and living out God’s call on their life in response to the Holy Spirit, through a biblically-grounded imagination of God.
Save the dates:
Mexico Mission Trip
April 12-18, 2025 (Auction: 2/21/2025)
Join us in Tijuana, Mexico over spring break as we partner with Amor Ministries to build a house for a family in need. Email Manny for more information.
Hume Lake Summer Camp
June 15-21, 2025 (Bake Sales: 2nd Sunday of the Month)
Experience a week like never before at Hume Lake Summer Camps! You won't want to leave the beautiful lake, awesome friendships you make, and the growing relationship you build with the Lord.
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