A few weeks ago in a sermon, I quoted the expression, "every writer only writes one book"; the idea being that often that "one book" is a seminal idea that can then be found in all subsequent writing.
I said that I felt that if I had "one book" it might have to do with the "sufficiency of God"; that I am convinced that no irredeemable harm can befall those who place themselves in God's hands; that he is with us, sustaining us, surrounding us, walking with us in all circumstances. This conviction then comes out in much of the things I preach and teach on (regardless of the subject). It is my "one book"
It made me wonder, what is your "one book"? Is there something youhave learned/come to know/feel deep conviction about in your faith, that you find yourself often thinking or talking about?
This maybe your "one book"... if so, it is your gift to share, your thread in the beautiful tapestry that God weaves together in the body of Christ.
So what is your one book?"